mandilynne Avatar


Aboneler: 2
Arkadaşlar: 1
Videolar İzlendi: 9
Profil Görünümü: 82
I've often fantasized about wanting a trained dog to mount me from behind! If I knew a place in the Buffalo NY area, I would indeed love to try to! 🐕
Cinsiyet: Erkek
İlişki: Açın
İlgilenen : Her ikisi de
Yaş: 45
Ülke: United States
Şehir: Buffalo NY
Katıldı: 4 months önce
Son Giriş: never
MandiLynne 1 Yeni kullanıcı oldu arkadaş 4 months önce
MandiLynne - favorited 2 yeni videolar 4 months önce
MandiLynne - favorited 1 yeni video 4 months önce
İşgal: Self employed
Hobiler: Writing, sky diving, fishing and all the major sports.
Film: A Bridge Too Far, The Green Berets, Analyze This... Analyze That! Glory, The Shootist!!!
Müzik: Mott the Hoople, Queen, Bowie, Lainey Wilson, Neil Diamond, Tom Petty, Melanie Safka, Def Leppard, Mick Ronson!!!
Kitap: Til Death Do Us Part, King James 1611, A Bridge Too Far (Battle of Arnhem )
Ons Açın : Genuine, honest people with a delightful possession of dignity and integrity!!;
Off Dön : Fake implants, excessive tattoos, nasty intoxicated drinkers