Those videos are great, but I think you should show some girls a proper facefucking video, either with dogs or horses. You can check my profile, I uploaded a facefuck compilation a year ago and it includes some amazing and really rough mouth fucking, especially the horse ones. I think the reactions to such videos would be priceless.
good bro, you're good at what you do, I'm just going to give you a suggestion that might work, because this is the girls' first contact with zoo videos, they are often disgusted to see women sucking dogs, everything is very new to them, try to select the most beautiful actresses, this makes them see that beautiful women like and do this sex practice, videos like Fantazzi, Raven, Evva, Veronica, some amateurs, try to show more the penetration part and show a penis. big dog
3 gün önceSo hot! Would love to see them react to Coco triple x sucking huge dog cocks and videos of guys fucking animals
7 gün önceThose videos are great, but I think you should show some girls a proper facefucking video, either with dogs or horses. You can check my profile, I uploaded a facefuck compilation a year ago and it includes some amazing and really rough mouth fucking, especially the horse ones. I think the reactions to such videos would be priceless.
2 hafta öncehow do u do to not be IP block in omegle? gosh perfect video
2 hafta önceThis is soo good. Where can I find more? ❤️
2 hafta önceThey cant stop watching. Its wonderfull.
2 hafta önceLove her.
3 hafta önceLegend, those girls are clearly fascinated
3 hafta önceI noticed in your videos that when they see the size of your penis they react with surprised expressions. congratulations on the content friend
3 hafta öncegood bro, you're good at what you do, I'm just going to give you a suggestion that might work, because this is the girls' first contact with zoo videos, they are often disgusted to see women sucking dogs, everything is very new to them, try to select the most beautiful actresses, this makes them see that beautiful women like and do this sex practice, videos like Fantazzi, Raven, Evva, Veronica, some amateurs, try to show more the penetration part and show a penis. big dog
3 hafta önceGreat video; personally I think you should show my videos that show fucking from behind or underneath.
The more cum, the better. A good example was the last raven clip here.
Maybe sure an amateur fuck compilation!
Also show big knots in the pussy! The Ariel flower video is great because the knot is huge and gushes cum!