Was there a a video uploaded of a girl with a her dog in a shed/outside with some knotting towards the end. In the knotting part she stood up from surprise.
Yea, I know what you’re talking about she was wearing a blue shirt. It was on Luxuretv but the video dissapeared like a day or two after upload. I couldn’t get it in time unfortunately. Hopefully someone uploads it again.
1 Έτος πρινWas there a a video uploaded of a girl with a her dog in a shed/outside with some knotting towards the end. In the knotting part she stood up from surprise.
1 Έτος πρινYea, I know what you’re talking about she was wearing a blue shirt. It was on Luxuretv but the video dissapeared like a day or two after upload. I couldn’t get it in time unfortunately. Hopefully someone uploads it again.
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