All cp sellers and people who accept their friendship will be eliminated.



订阅人: 13
好友: 22
视频看: 51
配置文件的风景: 6,956
hola im juanita but everyone calls me yazzy omfg everyone calls me taboo y perv y crazy bitch i luv animals more i luv horses y dogs y men y girls but you luv it im a crazy taurus perra i luv cock pics y sexy pics i really luv 2 hook it with hot la gente ama la sexa
性别: 女性
关系: 打开
感兴趣: 二者
年龄: 19
国家: United States
城市: el paso y juárez
已加入: 3 周 之前
最后登陆: 6 天 之前
职位: i use to work but wtf
学校: school of hot bitches soy una perra
公司: ? i luv hot people company
爱好: i luv animals i luv perv man y girls
打开: i luv girls y man y animals best
关闭: vete a la mierda mamá i hate christian fuckers and people that hide behind a blble wtf graniza satanás