I'd love to chat with other zoofiles. I'm a softy.
True story. A long time ago. My dad snuck into my room in the middle of the night to use my computer. He thought I was sleeping and he clearly masturbated and I was awake pretending to be asleep the whole time. The next day I went to check if he cleared the browsing history on my computer and he did not. I saw a lot of things on that site but what stuck out most was a woman getting fucked by a dog and it instantly made me so horny, I masturbated and came so much and I've loved animal sex ever since.
性别: 男性
关系: 隐藏
感兴趣: 二者
年龄: 36
国家: United States
已加入: 9 months 之前
最后登陆: 1 天 之前