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michelobultramans Avatar


Aboneler: 192
Arkadaşlar: 249
Videolar İzlendi: 570
Profil Görünümü: 2,992
Just a Midwestern guy looking hopefully help expand the industry in any way I can. Every little bit helps, I suppose. I've played with my female great dane several times in the past and that's where my interest really took off. Also like to pnp on occasion.
Cinsiyet: Erkek
İlişki: Tek
İlgilenen : Her ikisi de
Yaş: 28
Ülke: United States
Şehir: Iroquois county Illinois
Katıldı: 3 yıl önce
Son Giriş: 3 yıl önce
Henüz hiç bir etkinlik!
Kitap: Idk I thought the dark tower series was pretty good.
Ons Açın : A lot of things
Off Dön : Loud music and nothing but ultra-close up shots in a video.