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Aboneler: 217
Arkadaşlar: 492
Videolar İzlendi: 1,199
Profil Görünümü: 30,386
Cinsiyet: Kadın
İlişki: Açın
İlgilenen : Her ikisi de
Ülke: United States
Katıldı: 5 yıl önce
Son Giriş: 2 months önce
Henüz hiç bir etkinlik!
Hobiler: Travel, sex, reading, sex, food, sex, camping, sex (I'm seeing a pattern here)
Film: Lawrence of Arabia may be the greatest movie of all times! I also love Marvel and DC movies.
Müzik: adult alternative (Lumineers, Mall Rat, Lana del Rey, Florence and the Machine, Judah and the Lion, Jonah and the Whale, the Revivalists, Twenty-one Pilots, Arctic Monkeys, Killers, Mumford and Sons, the 1975, Strumbellas, Tame Impala, and on and on
Kitap: Don Quixote, Lady Chatterly's Lover, Razor's Edge, Under the Summer Moon, The Distant Mirror, anything related to medieval history
Ons Açın : zoophilia, bestiality, rape role play, bdsm, gang bangs, glory holes, throat and face fuck, object insertion, fisting, scat, golden, a2m, rough, humiliation, submissive, almost anything goes
Off Dön : underage, blood, permanent injury