
I will add you as a friend if only I like your favorite videos!
Is there something you want to talk about? I have a slightly different proposal. I was just sitting there, touching myself, watching a new video on this site. I thought that I could record the same videos and even better. You will write to me what I should write on myself with lipstick. And you’ll figure out what I should do in the shot with the dog. And what do you want me to call you? I love doing this, it turns me on. I am 35 years old, quite a good figure. And I have a dog that I sometimes have fun with. I want to earn a little money from this for a summer vacation at sea. Would you spend money lil bit for it? With a guarantee of receipt my video. WHAT do you think about this?
Το φύλο: Θηλυκό
Σχέση: Ανοιχτό
Με Ενδιαφέρει: Και οι δύο
Ηλικία: 35
Χώρα: Russia
Συνεκδικασθείσες: 3 χρόνια πριν
Τελευταία Είσοδος: 3 months πριν