All cp sellers and people who accept their friendship will be eliminated.

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Οι συνδρομητές: 77
Φίλοι: 81
Τα Βίντεο Που Προβάλλονται: 153
Προβολές Προφίλ: 2,837
Eu só quero assistir a um bom filme e quem sabe fazer amizades sem interesse. Gosto de conversar, não é meu intuito aqui comer ninguém. Alguém conhece mais algum site desse para indicar? I just want to watch a good movie and maybe make friends without interest. I really like to talk. Does anyone know any other site to indicate?
Το φύλο: Αρσενικό
Σχέση: Κρυφό
Με Ενδιαφέρει: Κρυφό
Ηλικία: 38
Χώρα: Brazil
Πόλη: Rio
Συνεκδικασθείσες: 4 χρόνια πριν
Τελευταία Είσοδος: 12 months πριν
Lucas17cen - έγινε φίλος με 1 νέος χρήστης 1 εβδομάδα πριν
Χόμπι: Friends.