Πρόσθεσε: 12 months πριν
Boar Corps. is another ambitious project relatively speaking; the setting up of a dedicated animal facility in a legal country. Starting with some boars, getting them going, and creating the first set of movies in the new facility.That brings us to around 5 months into the Project. Moguls were inquiring, and we had very little of interest to show.I think around month 4 TheSenor added a Plan B – a backup boar. This new fella, Pumbaa, was taken as a new piglet. TheSenor will carry on training the new guy, and fingers crossed we will start seeing some results very soon. We’re not looking to rush things – Pumbaa is still on the small side, so it would not hurt to give him a few more months to fill out a bit and really get the hang of everything.Don’t forget Gang, this facility is intended for more than just this project. Once things are rolling we can look forward to other interesting additions to the petting zoo – other boars, maybe a donkey or a pony, or who knows?