You play with my imagination . . edge my reality . . the sight of your naked body so willingly shared reveals a fantasy’s promise. Can cum shoot ten feet? Can cum cover a screen? Can the simple sight of your uncovered naughty bits or the thought of your spread thighs and pink of your open pussy make me throb with anticipation? It can, as I am throbbing now . . wanting your nips and nether lips to lick . . kiss . . suck . . nibble . . beautiful . . mind movies . . thank you for sharing
10 months πρινYou play with my imagination . . edge my reality . . the sight of your naked body so willingly shared reveals a fantasy’s promise. Can cum shoot ten feet? Can cum cover a screen? Can the simple sight of your uncovered naughty bits or the thought of your spread thighs and pink of your open pussy make me throb with anticipation? It can, as I am throbbing now . . wanting your nips and nether lips to lick . . kiss . . suck . . nibble . . beautiful . . mind movies . . thank you for sharing
12 months πρινNice tits
1 Έτος πρινNice